Welcome to the blog!
It's my little corner of the web to share my favorite love stories, family adventures, and creative musings
Wow, has it really been 5 years? Yes, I’m a super senior (no shame!) & I graduate at the end of this semester! Today is my “Last First Day”. These past few years have been such a roller coaster, but you know what, I wouldn’t trade them for the world. I have made some of the greatest friends a girl could ever ask for and let me tell you one thing, they are going places!
I wasn’t always an Art Major. I started out undecided even though I had teachers from high school pushing me to major in photography and family members telling me what jobs make the most money. So my sophomore year, I became a Deaf Studies major because Translators make good money, right? All I ever thought about was the money I would be making. I thought it would be easy…I was wrong and I was so unhappy pursuing other people’s dreams. I thought for a minute that college just wasn’t right for me, but then something stirred in my heart.
My high school photo teacher kept coming to mind. I kept going back to how she was so ecstatic with some of the work I was creating. I just couldn’t ever see myself being an Art Major back then and didn’t think I had what it took. I was SO wrong. I’ve always been a visual person and had a heart for everything creative; I mean I took 3 years of Photo in high school on top of art classes every year. SO I took a leap of faith and became an Art + Design Major with a concentration in Photography. And look where I am now! I am SO SO glad that I did. I am so beyond grateful that she was my teacher and kept pushing me about being a photographer because now I’ve found my passion and I’m starting my own small business. So Mrs. Prescott, if you ever come across this one day, this is for you, and because of you I’m chasing my dreams!
<3 Chelsea